Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

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ImageRotary Youth Leadership Awards

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive character and leadership development program for young adults. It is an opportunity to recognize and encourage young people who are already contributing to their community.

Our district RYLA camp is for young men and women between 21-30 years old who are entering or in the work force, but are not yet in a management role. The camp is held at Northern Outdoors in The Forks, Maine - usually around late summer - and lasts three days. The program includes many physical and mental challenges to encourage teamwork, test thinking skills, and help individuals build confidence and overcome personal obstacles.

Participants are also exposed to a variety of issues and people, and to the values that Rotary expects in a future community leader - ethical behavior, integrity of character, and a commitment to community service. Since we are a bilingual district, attendees also have an opportunity to build friendships across the border and, of course, have fun.

Camden Rotary typically sponsors one RYLA candidate each year, and covers the cost of the program. For more information, please follow the link at the left.
